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Hawaii Tours: 5 Whale Watching Spots

Hawaii Tours: 5 Whale Watching Spots

Whale, whale, whale, what have we got here then… Sorry, one sentence in and already going for the krill. Alright, that’s enough now – we have got it out of our system. All we are trying to say is – whales are awesome and one of the most amazing things you...

Sharks in Hawaii: What to Know About Each Type

Sharks in Hawaii: What to Know About Each Type

No matter how many times we read the stats about the chances of being devoured by a shark – it seems that Spielberg has indeed ruined all of our lives. Actually, he has, in more ways than one, for those who watched the tragic rehash of Indiana Jones. But Jaws.  Now...

Hawaiian Culture: Pidgin Phrases You Should Know

Hawaiian Culture: Pidgin Phrases You Should Know

(Don’t say #4 Wrong or You’ll Probably end up in Jail) If you think Aloha is the online phrase you need to know on the islands, you might be an a-hole tourist. Why not grab your Hawaiian shirt and streak your nose in zinc, while you’re at it?! The...

5 Things You Can Do With Poi in Hawaii

5 Things You Can Do With Poi in Hawaii

Poi – a life sustaining source of edible goodness? Or, a grey blob with the texture of spooning wallpaper paste into your puckered mouth? Like it or loathe it, there is no denying that poi is as Hawaiian as the Duke himself. Coming from an island where magma...

Learn How to Surf in Hawaii Like a Natural

Learn How to Surf in Hawaii Like a Natural

How Not to Look Ridiculous When Learning to Surf in Hawaii The sun bleached tousled hair, the sun kissed skin, the lithe and limber body dancing on water. Throw into the mix dawn awakenings, beers at sunset and forever being around others who are young and beautiful –...