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Learn How to Surf in Hawaii Like a Natural

Learn How to Surf in Hawaii Like a Natural

How Not to Look Ridiculous When Learning to Surf in Hawaii The sun bleached tousled hair, the sun kissed skin, the lithe and limber body dancing on water. Throw into the mix dawn awakenings, beers at sunset and forever being around others who are young and beautiful –...

7 Hawaiian Legends Too Spooky to Ignore

7 Hawaiian Legends Too Spooky to Ignore

Thinking of visiting Hawaii, but heard some pretty spooky stories from your friends? Maybe they heard the faint and unnerving sound of an army parading past or maybe their rental car broke down erratically on the Pali highway. Or, perhaps the peculiar experiences...

5 Smoking Hot Volcano Tours Across Hawaii

5 Smoking Hot Volcano Tours Across Hawaii

Hawaii is an unbe-lava-ble place. BTW, we are going to attempt to slip in ALL of the volcano puns we know in this one article. It’s a land where all of the elements come together- you can splash in cobalt blue waters, feel the stir of hibiscus scented air, run your...

5 Ways to Meet People and Have Fun in Hawaii

5 Ways to Meet People and Have Fun in Hawaii

Some people vacation alone or move to Hawaii by themselves. For visitors or recent transplants, connecting with others, making friends or finding group activities isn’t always easy. Avoid the loneliness of doing things alone in a tropical paradise. Here are 5 ways you...