**2019 Hours: The “Sunflowers in the Country” tours will run from noon to 2 p.m. weekdays, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekends.**
Six Shameless Things You Could Do at the Sunflower Field Oahu on the North Shore
Trade the blues of the Pacific for some inland greens by visiting the sunniest spot on Northern Oahu – the Waialua Sunflower Field. You may have seen dozens of sunflower field before, so you wisely asked your touristy self, “what makes this field so special?” You can’t answer that without going, can you? While not one of your typical things to do when visiting Oahu, it’s definitely something that should be on your list if you want to see some of nature’s beauty. So pack up and leave the rain clouds behind! It’s time to face the sunshine (and some photo ops in between) in the somewhat hidden Sunflower Field Oahu!.

Wait, where’s Waialua?
Don’t be ashamed to ask. Even some locals can’t pinpoint the exact location of Waialua without the help of Google Maps. Trust us, the hidden location makes it more special because not all can proudly say that Waialua took their breath away! That’s basically more brownie points for you.
So, which wardrobe should you actually enter to go to Waialua? Considering that Honolulu and Waialua are located at opposite ends of Oahu, you will likely think that they are from two different dimensions. Fortunately, that was a bit exaggerated. In fact, this website calculated the total miles (even the fuel consumption and costs!) that you need to cover if you wish to drive down to the place from Hawaii’s bustling capital. Still feeling lost? Then take that goddamn bus, taxi or plane, and be done with it!
Once you step out of your car, the lack of traffic, crowds and commercialized hubs would instantly make you think that Waialua is a tropical ghost town. Even the producers of the controversial Lost series agree that the eerie setting is perfect for mystery and suspense, as seen in a total of four episodes aired during Seasons 1 and 2 of the show. Before you chicken out and make a run for it, make sure to visit some attractions for Instagram’s sake!
Waialua may be too quaint for the likings of tourists and too-blessed-to-be-bored locals, but the spot is actually a treasure of agricultural abundance! Once a renowned Sugar Town, its land area is now home to varied kitchen favorites, like coffee and bananas. But it’s obvious you won’t give a dime to see those! You want to be where the action is! And by action, we mean weaving through a field of gold, dodging angry bees and wishing you won’t trip over snakes. If that sounds like a fantastic weekend for you, then waste no time in heading towards Sunflower Field Oahu.
Seeking the sunflowers during summer
It’s common sense that tells you sunflowers bloom in summer and fall. It’s how the natural world rocks, so who are you to question that? With confidence, you drive to Waialua on a bright summer day in August, the hottest month in the Hawaiian calendar, humming to the tune of Rupert Holmes’ Escape. You even announced your trip on social media, imagining all the poor, lonely souls stuck in their day jobs. However, upon arriving, not a single flower is in bloom. In fact, you could only see green stalks for miles. So, where did all the gold go?
Sunflowers in Hawaii are pretty unique, because they are in full bloom between the period of November and December. Yes, you calculated right. They thrive under the winter sun, enjoying the 77 °F temperature that is typical on Oahu’s north side. You completely forgot that Hawaii has all-year round sun! As you shake your head in shame, you vow to visit Waialua again after two or three months. Hopefully, the field staff already forgotten the name and face of their eager visitor.
Showing up without a reservation
Reservations aren’t just for restaurants. In the case of the Sunflower Field Oahu, you need to contact the owners to schedule a free viewing. You read that right! You don’t need to pay to witness such an unconventional scenery. But, it is highly necessary for tourists to call ahead and discuss if the sunflowers are just peeking out or showing their full faces for the world to see. You don’t want to be that lost puppy milling by the fence, wondering if the flower farms will accept hard-headed tourists.
The sunflower field is owned by DuPont Pioneer, a world leader in hybrid seed production; thus, classified as private property. The flowers were grown as test crops, but once analytics are gathered, the field of gold is opened to the public for pleasure viewing. Make sure to visit their Facebook page for updates, or contact them thru (808) 637-0100 ext. 149. Can’t use a local phone? You can also email them at mailto:[email protected]
It isn’t just about reserving a spot and making sure that sunflowers are out to greet you. The caretakers will also provide valuable information, such as the exact address of the property (more accurate than Google Maps!) and what you need to observe while roaming the field.
Running naked across the field
Rows upon rows of lush greenery and golden crowns will truly excite anyone, even those who are not into flowers. Even guys forget their masculinity and gamely pose in the field for photographs, even lifting a hand to ‘softly touch’ those amazing floras. The yellow color also encourages happy vibes within the vicinity, and it is pretty infectious once you see tourists with big smiles on. You can’t help but be light-hearted and friendly and sometimes, crazy enough to pull scandalous stunts!
With the happiness hard to contain, you *might* consider pulling your clothes off and running across the sea of golden crowns. If you do, you will get a serious reprimand from the field staff! But, not because of showing off in your birthday suit. They are more concerned about all the sunflowers you have knocked over during your ecstatic rampage. Since the plants are being used for hybrid studies, farmers need to maintain them at top notch conditions for better results.
Paying fines for damage is unheard of, but not entirely impossible once you’ve actually done the wicked deed. So, contain that elation until you reach Honolulu and release that energy while doing extreme sports, like parasailing.
Picking flowers for souvenirs
Humans share a common habit of keeping things they consider beautiful –from jewelry to poetry. It is in our nature, so why resist? However, you should probably lay your hands off when the beautiful things in question are sunflowers bred for hybrid testing. Remember that the sunflowers you see didn’t just grow out of nowhere. They were planted and cared for by DuPont Pioneer –the very company who gave you free admission to roam around and take millions of pictures with Hawaii-bred sunflowers!
Aside from the analytics involved, DuPont Pioneer’s sunflowers are cultivated to produce cooking oil. A harvest of sunflower seeds is equivalent to gallons of cooking oil for food and cosmetic purposes, which means they are too valuable to be considered as ornamental souvenirs alone. Cutting sunflowers won’t just result in a shameful scolding from the staff; you will absolutely pay for the damages you have caused!
If you are adamant to take something memorable to remind you of your afternoon stroll through the sunflowers, keep an eye out for typical mementos made just for tourists –key chains, photographs and magnets.
Getting in the photographer’s way
The Sunflower Farms north shore of Oahu is a favorite subject of landscape photographers, especially when weather conditions permit the best lighting. On a tour alone, you may meet a dozen or more professionals attempting to take a lucrative shot. They mean business, so it’s probably wise to keep out of their way, unless you want to incur their wrath by photo bombing their angles!
Even if you have a modelesque body and a face that is worthy of the front page, the picture you photo bombed is still considered a wasted shot. So, be wary and respect their space. If you are asked to pose, then by all means, unleash your inner Tyra Banks!
Being ignorant
Not all tourists who visit the Aloha State had the chance to explore the sunflower field up north, which is why guides and reviews are tricky to find. You can research up to the nth page of Google, but nothing beats common sense and preparation to ensure that your visit will go as smoothly as possible.
Safety is always a priority, not just in the Waialua Sunflower Field, but anywhere you choose to have fun at. Bring security essentials, such as flashlights, mobile phones, list of contacts in case of emergency (hotels, transportation services, local police station etc.) and even pepper spray. Never venture out solo, or late at night. Stop ignoring the signs of danger! If your senses tell you to run, make sure you are headed in the right direction.
While you are being extra careful not to hurt the plants and animals at the Sunflower Field Oahu, you should also take care of yourself. Since your visit will most likely fall during the winter months, the sun is not as scorching as it normally is. But, it is wise to carry at least 2 liters of water for hydration and light snacks to boost your stamina. Carry a light rain jacket or umbrella to shield you from the elements. The north shore of Oahu is considered as a “wet zone”, since drizzles are commonly experienced in the location throughout the year.
Suffering from pollen allergies? It’s funny you read this far, considering that there’s no way you can visit Hawaii’s gorgeous sea of yellows without killing your nose off. If the medicines still won’t give you a chance for this natural encounter, then you have the ‘go’ signal to sulk in a corner while browsing through Sunflower Field Hawaii photos.